Monday, June 14, 2010

Next Stage

Ok, so this small arc in our story is going to be over soon, and to advance to a relatively neat arc, we are going to be have to make sure we have everything accountable for.

From this session on please make sure you have a very detailed list of what you have on your person. No more guesstimation, no more "I thinks". Everyone should have a list of what they have.

For ritual casters, please make sure you also have exactly what your rituals are.

For tonight's session I won't be asking for them, but all sessions past this one I could be asking for it.

Battle Rager's Vigor

Battle Rager’s Crown:
Level 15
Item Set: Battle Rager’s Vigor
Item Slot: Head
Power(Daily): Free action. Activate after scoring a critical hit. Until the end of the encounter, all melee single target attacks your allies make and hit with allow you to mark that target as a free action.

Battle Rainment
Level 15
Item Set: Battle Rager’s Vigor
Item Slot: Chest
Power(Encounter): Standard action. Spend 2 healing surges to add any one of the following effects to any damage you do until end of encounter.
1) 10 ongoing fire damage, save ends effect, does not stack.
2) D6 more damage
3) -2 penalties to all attack rolls, save ends effect, does not stack.
4) -1 to all defenses, save ends effect, does not stack.

Rager’s Footing
Level 15
Item Set: Battle Rager’s Vigor
Item Slot: Feet
Power(Encounter): Move action. Move triple your speed. If you don’t successfully hit an enemy with one of your attacks by the end of this turn, you are weakened save ends.

Rager’s Punishment
Level 15
Item Set: Battle Rager’s Vigor
Weapon: Double axe
Critical: 3d10
Enhancement: +3 to attack and damage rolls.
Power(Daily): Minor Action. End this turn, and then skip your next turn. You cannot use an action point during this time, make OAs, or use any interrupts. You gain a +2 to all defenses during this turn. During the turn after the one you skipped, you gain + 2 to all attacks and deal double damage to all damage you do until the end of that turn.

Vow of Persuit
Level 15
Item Set: Battle Rager’s Vigor
Item Slot: Waist
Property: Whenever you let an enemy flee from an encounter and then meet that enemy again in a later encounter, you gain +d6 to all damage until the end of that encounter.

Set Bonuses
2) Rager’s Punishment power grants +5 to all defenses during the skipped turn.
4) Damage granted by Vow of Persuit increased to d10 to all damage.
5) Reduces cost of the Battle Rager’s Rainment power from 2 surges to 1.