Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Craighammer Weekly - Axes of Terror! - Vol 1 Issue 17
Level 5
This pamphlet contains several articles about axes and their many uses, including chopping, slicing, disemboweling, and cooking! You also notice a Craigsmith Blacksmith coupon on the back...
Wondrous Item 1,000 gp
Property: You gain proficiency and a +1 item bonus to damage rolls with axes. You must spend 1 hour reading the pamphlet to gain the bonus. You'll need to keep the article handy and on your person to keep the buffs, as the articles are just that good.
Property: You can clip out the coupon on the back for 15% off any Craigsmith product. One coupon a visit. Void in the Underdark. Cash Value = .0001 copper. Doing so destroys the pamphlet.

A Practical Guide to Monsters : Chapter 3, Your Mummy and Me
Level 5
This slim tome collects the wisdom of centuries of monster slayers, lending you invaluable insight into the creatures you face in battle. This particular chapter is on the undead.
Wondrous Item 1,000 gp
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to all undead knowledge checks. You must spend 1 hour reading the guide to get the effect and be able to use it's powers. You must keep this article on you and handy to use it's effects.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Choose one of the following monster categories. Gain the benefit indicated for that category until the end of the encounter.
Walking Dead: If you hit an undead enemy when you have combat advantage against that creature, the enemy is slowed save ends.
Sniff sniff: You read about the wonderful benefits of garlic and gain a +2 to defense against monsters with the vampire keyword.
Blood Suckers: If you are bloodied, you gain +5 resist all against undead monsters until end of your next turn.
Boooo-urns: Your next fire spell against an insubstantial undead deal double damage.
The Power of Kord compels you!: You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws and Endurance checks against disease received by undead monsters.
BRAINS!: Any undead monster in area 1 around you considers you a friend. Sustain standard. Your movement is restricted to 2. Lasts till you damage any undead enenmy. You must also say 'BRAINS!' at the beginning of your turn of the effect end.
Unsightly Undead: When you hit with a melee attack against an undead enemy, you deal 2 extra radiant damage.
Awful Aberrations: You gain resist 10 psychic against undead attacks.
Walk like a...: Until the end of your turn, you do not provoke OAs from undead creatures.

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