Sunday, March 21, 2010

Know A God - Llam, demigod of the forest

History -

Llam was born of a giant magical tree deep within the Feywild known as Murg'ka'va. He was born from a giant acorn that fell from the top of the tree and embedded deep in the earth. When the acorn cracked open, a small fledging deer walk out, small plants sprouting as it walked. From there, Llam began to walk the Feywild creating groves as he walked. The Eladrin, jealous of the power he contained, attempted to capture and harness the power the demigod had. Llam, fearful for his life, created a portal to Faerun to escape them.

In Faerun, Llam grew up into a large multi-antlered deer who traveled through Faerun, trying to mend the horrible devastation created by the Spellplague. Through his travels, Llam came across several Elf druids who began to worship the demigod, traveling with him and learning the ways of the forest. Though the Elfs vaguely resembled his Eladrin hunters from long ago, he learned that they were kind hearted and wanted nothing more to learn the secrets Llam had to give. Llam called the group the Searchers of Dawn and sent them out to all corners of Faerun, building shrines and cultivating groves.

Shrines -

Many shrines to Llam cover the globe, though most are not apparent to those who are not looking for the signs. Most of Llam's shrines lie deep within forests, and usually consist of a single tree. The tree is marked with etchings that are carved deep in the bark, usually in elvish. Most activities at the shrine include etching further runes into the trunk, telling others who come by of new rituals or abilities. Most, however, are visited, as they are far too secluded and hard to find.

Tervazah, the mother tree -

In a forest just outside Waterdeep, Llam personally cultivated a small saporling, turning it into a mammoth of a tree that towered way above the forest, Within the tree's base Llam created a place for his followers to come and commune with the nature. He called the tree Tervazah, the mother tree that would herald in a new age of forest life. Here his followers practice and harness their magics, telling tales of Llam's power and grace. Many druids seek out the tree, knowing that her they can fully master Llam's true power.

Feats (Can only take if worship Llam as a deity)

- Forest Vengeance

The forest is scarier than any creature...

Use nature check instead of any check requiring intimidation

- Llam's Sprouting Favor

Llam's name simply evoked is enough to cause all sorts of plants to spring to life...

When you spend an action point, you cast a spell area 2 within 10. This area begins to grow in rich vegetation. Area is considered difficult terrain. The area provides cover. Those inside the vegetation do not take cover penalties against things outside the vegetation.

- Leaf Walk

You know where just to step, and you tell that to your allies.

As a daily free action when you enter in a surprise round in a forest environment. You and your allies have +4 speed until end of surprise round.

Powers (You only get these powers if you worship Llam as a deity. You get the powers when you reach the level indicated to the left of the power name.)

Level 5 - Spawn of Llam

You let a shrill cry through the forest, summoning a fleet of magical deer.

Daily - Divine

Free Action

Requirement: You must worship Llam as a deity and be out of combat.

You summon a set of magical deer mounts for each member currently in your party, no more than 8. While in a forest environment, the magical deer have a land speed of 15. In any other situation, the deer move at 7 speed.

Level 10 - Summon Forest Guardian

You summon a guardian of the forest to help you in your task.

Encounter - Divine

Free Action

Requirement: You must worship Llam as a deity and be out of combat.

Touch any tree. This summons a dryad within the tree. The dryad can then be a lookout or tell you anything that is currently going on in the forest. The dryad lasts for 12 hours. Dryad has your level + 20 stealth, your level + 30 perception. Dryad has truesight and can see as far as the forest is. The dryad can talk telepathically to you as long as you remain within the forest that houses the dryad.

Level 15 - Healing Sap

You are able to harvest the trees sap to cure wounds, but the sap hardens into a protective armor.

At-Will - Divine - Healing

Standard Action

Requirement: : You must worship Llam as a deity

Target ally within 15 heals for their healing surge and gain resist 3 until begin of their next turn.

Level 20 - Trailblazer

Your knowledge of the forest is unmatched and you're able to dictate it's follies to your members.

Daily - Divine

Minor Action

Requirement: : You must worship Llam as a deity

All allies within 5 gain +5 speed within a forest until end of encounter.

Level 25 - Summon Forest Spirit

You summon an ancient spirit from the Feywild to battle with you.

Daily Power - Divine

Minor Action

Requirement: : You must worship Llam as a deity

Summon a level 28 forest spirit. This creature lasts till the end of the encounter. Spirit enters into the initiative order after you. It has all the actions a player would. The spirit is random on creation. (Will expand later).

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