Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God-O-Meter, or how I try to appease my deity

Starting next week we'll start a experimental system called the God-O-Meter, in which certain actions will negatively or positively affect your personal relationship with your deity. This system is not meant to penalize anyone who is 'on the fence' or doesn't simply want to go into the RP of things, but meant to reward those who wish to go the extra mile. The system is NOT meant to penalize any member for not participating or having a negative reputation with their deity, but simply made to help.

Now, how this system will work:
First, anyone who actively wants to participate in the system needs to actively tell me so that I add you to the system and learn a little about what your god is and what they look for. You can look here at the bottom for a complete list of major gods. For lesser gods, or demigods (ie Llam) certain expectations will be layed down by me before hand (ie for Llam the upcoming Llam article). Once there, you are pretty much set to go. Be sure YOU know what your god expects, as you do not want to end up getting negative rep for not knowing.

The god's reputations are based on a scale of -100 to 100, -100 to 0 being disliked, 1 to 100 being liked. The further to either extreme means a higher state of liked or disliked. Points will be given out in the following format:

+/- 2 points - minor achievement or action that would be in or out of favor with your god. ie Praying at a shrine for your god, giving to the shrine, cleaning the shrine, saying a small prayer.

+/- 5 points - standard achievement or action that is in line or out of line with your god's main ideals. Examples would be a Tempus engaging in an honorable fight with a foe that has wronged your family, earning Tempus's favor, or using dirty tricks to fight a worthy opponent, which would not earn Tempus's favor.

+/- 10 points - glorious actions that do or do not fall in line with your god's main ideas. These will be rare but would be for great accomplishments. Things like earning Sune's favor by destroying a Shar Temple, or someone worshipping Sune maiming the physical appearance of a fellow Sune worshiper.

All of these points will be generally rewarded based on what I view as an act for that god or goddess, however you are always welcome to 'make the case' for a particular action. I can not say before the action what it will do, but once the action is complete I shall tell you what you have received. Past experiences will never apply. If the points are not given at the time, then they can not be added later.

So, all the points have been defined, what can you do with this? Well at any point in time you can say a prayer of help to your god for a free action at the cost of 5 points. Gods dont like being bothered constantly, thus the loss of points. From here you can ask your god or goddess for whatever you see fit. For example, you could ask for help in a choice, or a temporary boon to aid you in a battle, or even a path to find something you seek. Based on what your reputation is, you'll get an appropriate answer. The higher the rep, the greater chance they will answer your plea. What type of help is given is also affected by your rep. For instance, if you ask for a boon, with 100, you might become a mighty warrior for a brief time. With a reputation of 50, you might get a small buff. For 10, you might get nothing. Reputations below 0 will rarely be answered.

Gods and goddesses will rarely directly speak to you, but usually they shall let you know in some way that they hear your plea. Silence, or no sign, will usually mean a no. If the gods accept your plea, you will be charged an amount based on the help they will give you. That way, someone who is maked out on reputation does not simple keep getting great gifts. It shall be a constant work in progress for the character.

This system is experimental, so expect some shifting of things to make it work. As always please let me know your concerns or feedback. Thanks!

Also one last thing, if you wish to participate, please post a comment to this post with your god. I'll consider those who comment here to be apart of the system.


  1. Rokmar is in! Currently he's aligned with Tempus, and a little flirty with the girls from Sune :)

  2. Sidrus is in too! Currently a Raven Queen follower, and he's pretty sure Rokmar stinks.

  3. FWIW, I've been using the post below as a guide to the Raven Queen.

  4. Shael's in for Bahamut, yes. Also, Brandon, there's a pretty good Dragon article on the Raven Queen that I can point you at another time.
