Monday, March 15, 2010

Kurvagal's Rest

Teaser For Arc:
Kurvagal's Rest, a shinning oasis guarded by the remains of the ancient sand dragon Kurvagal. Once just a stop for travelers, Kurvagal's Rest has become a sign of resistance against the growing darkness that creeps from the Shadow Enclave. Despite it's many attempts however, Kurvagal's Rest has withstood the legions of the Shadow Enclave, resilient to the destruction and death.

Our heroes, now adorned as members of the Shadow Enclave, face themselves with an impossible task. To gain gain access to Eclipse, our heroes must do the Enclave's bidding, even if that means wiping Kurvagal's Rest off the map...

Kurvagal's Rest:
Population: 8,000

Kurvagal's Rest was founded when the ancient sand dragon Kurvagal finally died, laying himself against the side of a mountain. As his body began to decay away, his magic was slowly released, creating a fierce sand storm around his body.

As the spellplague began to spread through Faerun, many human refugees began to traverse across the growing Netheril desert, looking for any place for shelter. A group came across the behemoths corpse, noticing the great sand storm around the body was strangely absent underneath. With an idea, the settlers began to draw up walls around the body, constructing a mini-fortress against the sheer smooth mountains.

At first, the city was small and contained, utilizing the corpse of the dragon to construct items for trade amongst other outlying outposts. However, gold was found within the mountains that Kurvagal's Rest butted up against, and the city quickly flurished as gold began to be exported to large civilizations.

When the Shade Enclave returned to Faerun, outposts across the desert began to vanish as dark marauders wiped them out. Those who lived from the attacks began to float from one outpost to another, looking for a place to stay. Little safety was found, until word came out of the massive fortifications Kurvagal's Rest had. Refugees by the thousands began to flock, seeking shelter. And like a wolf tracking an injured sheep, the Shadow Enclave followed as well.

The Enclave began an all out assault on Kurvagal's Rest, however the cities natural defenses, and the sand storm produced by the dragon's remains, helped greatly in keeping the city safe. As time went along, the cities defenses grew and became more elaborate, stopping the Enclave at every point. The city now is under constantly siege, unable to export their goods like once before. Few traders will make the trip to or from the Rest, and the city is slowly withering to death. Those who do show up to the Rest are meet with skepticism and disbelief, the Rest's guards all too paranoid about new Enclave tactics.

Maps for Kurvagal's Rest.
(best to download and open in windows paint)

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