Thursday, March 18, 2010

Marks of the Enclave

Just incase someone forgets or if we need to redo or get someone their's

  • Mark of the Fang Dragon = +1 Fort, +5 intimidate, Minor Daily: Next hit successful hit prones target
  • Mark of the Yaun-ti = +1 Reflex, +5 acrobatics, and immediate saves against prone
  • Mark of the Tarrasque = +1 Fort, +5 intimidate, When you drop to 0 hp, you burrow into the ground. At the beginning of your next turn you return at the same spot at bloodied value hp. Can only happen once an encounter.
  • Mark of the Kenku = +1 Reflex, +5 stealth, fly 3 after you move 2.
  • Mark of the Drow = +1 Fort, +5 perception, Minor Daily Action: Become invisible. Anything other than movement action breaks the effect.
  • Mark of the Beholder = +1 Will, +5 arcane, Minor At Will : Choose a damage type. Your attacks against the target do that damage instead of their normal damage.
  • Mark of the Druegar = +1 Fort, +5 Endurance, Minor Daily: immediately save from any poison or fire effects.
  • Mark of the Cockatrice = +1 Will, +5 endurance, When you crit a target, the target makes an immediate save. If they fail, the target is slowed. They save again at the end of their turn, if they fail, they are petrified.
  • Mark of the Vampire = +1 Will, +5 acrobatics, Regen 4 unless in the natural sunlight.
  • Mark of the Kobold = +1 Reflex, +5 acrobatics, Move Action Encounter : Shift 3
  • Mark of the Ogre = +1 Fort, +5 Intimidate, Spend an action point to gain threatening reach 2
  • Mark of the Kuo-tao = +1 Reflex, +5 acrobatics, Move Action Daily: Jump your movement speed, does not provoke opportunity attacks. Treat this move like a charge.
  • Mark of the Satyr = +1 Will, +5 Arcane, Minor Action Daily: You are unaffected by difficult terrain.
  • Mark of the Aboleth = +1 Will, +5 stealth, you can breath underwater.
  • Mark of the Hydra = +1 Will, +5 perception, Spend 2 healing surges to make a basically melee attack as a free action. Only use on your turn. Can use as many times as you want on your turn.
  • Mark of the Gelatinous Cube = Your attacks cause you to apply 2 poison, save ends.
  • Mark of the Troll = +1 Fort, +5 endurance, Regen 2
  • Mark of the Fire Giant = +1 Fort, +5 endurance, All your attacks do 1d4 fire additional damage.
  • Mark of the Basilisk = +1 Will, +5 Athletics, you speed is +1 and you gain climb the same speed.
  • Mark of the Winter Wolf = +1 Reflex, +5 perception, Gain +15 cold resist.


  1. Are these the marks we received from those guys just before we went into Shadow Enclave? If so, I forgot about my fly 3 ability. :)

  2. yup, these were the ones you got already. Since mark lucas is joining us, and a few questions popped up about them, figured I'd throw them up here to remind people of them and if they ever come up again, we'll have the info some where accessible.
