Sunday, March 21, 2010

Know A God - Llam, demigod of the forest

History -

Llam was born of a giant magical tree deep within the Feywild known as Murg'ka'va. He was born from a giant acorn that fell from the top of the tree and embedded deep in the earth. When the acorn cracked open, a small fledging deer walk out, small plants sprouting as it walked. From there, Llam began to walk the Feywild creating groves as he walked. The Eladrin, jealous of the power he contained, attempted to capture and harness the power the demigod had. Llam, fearful for his life, created a portal to Faerun to escape them.

In Faerun, Llam grew up into a large multi-antlered deer who traveled through Faerun, trying to mend the horrible devastation created by the Spellplague. Through his travels, Llam came across several Elf druids who began to worship the demigod, traveling with him and learning the ways of the forest. Though the Elfs vaguely resembled his Eladrin hunters from long ago, he learned that they were kind hearted and wanted nothing more to learn the secrets Llam had to give. Llam called the group the Searchers of Dawn and sent them out to all corners of Faerun, building shrines and cultivating groves.

Shrines -

Many shrines to Llam cover the globe, though most are not apparent to those who are not looking for the signs. Most of Llam's shrines lie deep within forests, and usually consist of a single tree. The tree is marked with etchings that are carved deep in the bark, usually in elvish. Most activities at the shrine include etching further runes into the trunk, telling others who come by of new rituals or abilities. Most, however, are visited, as they are far too secluded and hard to find.

Tervazah, the mother tree -

In a forest just outside Waterdeep, Llam personally cultivated a small saporling, turning it into a mammoth of a tree that towered way above the forest, Within the tree's base Llam created a place for his followers to come and commune with the nature. He called the tree Tervazah, the mother tree that would herald in a new age of forest life. Here his followers practice and harness their magics, telling tales of Llam's power and grace. Many druids seek out the tree, knowing that her they can fully master Llam's true power.

Feats (Can only take if worship Llam as a deity)

- Forest Vengeance

The forest is scarier than any creature...

Use nature check instead of any check requiring intimidation

- Llam's Sprouting Favor

Llam's name simply evoked is enough to cause all sorts of plants to spring to life...

When you spend an action point, you cast a spell area 2 within 10. This area begins to grow in rich vegetation. Area is considered difficult terrain. The area provides cover. Those inside the vegetation do not take cover penalties against things outside the vegetation.

- Leaf Walk

You know where just to step, and you tell that to your allies.

As a daily free action when you enter in a surprise round in a forest environment. You and your allies have +4 speed until end of surprise round.

Powers (You only get these powers if you worship Llam as a deity. You get the powers when you reach the level indicated to the left of the power name.)

Level 5 - Spawn of Llam

You let a shrill cry through the forest, summoning a fleet of magical deer.

Daily - Divine

Free Action

Requirement: You must worship Llam as a deity and be out of combat.

You summon a set of magical deer mounts for each member currently in your party, no more than 8. While in a forest environment, the magical deer have a land speed of 15. In any other situation, the deer move at 7 speed.

Level 10 - Summon Forest Guardian

You summon a guardian of the forest to help you in your task.

Encounter - Divine

Free Action

Requirement: You must worship Llam as a deity and be out of combat.

Touch any tree. This summons a dryad within the tree. The dryad can then be a lookout or tell you anything that is currently going on in the forest. The dryad lasts for 12 hours. Dryad has your level + 20 stealth, your level + 30 perception. Dryad has truesight and can see as far as the forest is. The dryad can talk telepathically to you as long as you remain within the forest that houses the dryad.

Level 15 - Healing Sap

You are able to harvest the trees sap to cure wounds, but the sap hardens into a protective armor.

At-Will - Divine - Healing

Standard Action

Requirement: : You must worship Llam as a deity

Target ally within 15 heals for their healing surge and gain resist 3 until begin of their next turn.

Level 20 - Trailblazer

Your knowledge of the forest is unmatched and you're able to dictate it's follies to your members.

Daily - Divine

Minor Action

Requirement: : You must worship Llam as a deity

All allies within 5 gain +5 speed within a forest until end of encounter.

Level 25 - Summon Forest Spirit

You summon an ancient spirit from the Feywild to battle with you.

Daily Power - Divine

Minor Action

Requirement: : You must worship Llam as a deity

Summon a level 28 forest spirit. This creature lasts till the end of the encounter. Spirit enters into the initiative order after you. It has all the actions a player would. The spirit is random on creation. (Will expand later).

Craigsmith's Line of Limited Luxuries

The Craigsmith's Blacksmith (for all your fine blacksmithing need) has begun to delve into the interesting art of mastercrafts. Creating a new signature line of weapons for your purchase, these upgraded weapons will prove fierce pieces of equipment in the right hands! All weapons are available for 100,000 gold! These are not magical items on their own, but fancy non-magical weapons waiting for your enchants to make them fierce some pieces . The items listed here are simple masterworks of already wide spread weapons, and the information provided here list what was augmented about the previous weapon. Craigsmiths would like to know all customers that such weapons are limited made, and may not always be sold.

- Stoneslicer - fullblade masterwork - high crit, brutal 1

- Fang Gauntlets - spiked Gauntlets masterwork - d12 - off hand, high crit

- Evening Stars - greatbow masterwork - high crit, brutal 2

- Krig - double sword masterwork - d12 - defensive, offhand, versatility, brutal 1

- Stone End - double axe masterwork - d12 - defensive, off hand, high crit, brutal 1

- Umberlee's Disgust - trident masterwork - d10 - heavy thrown, versatile, high crit, reach

- Moradin's Justice - craighammer masterwork - d10 - brutal 2, versatile, high crit

- Tempus's Teeth - khopesh masterwork - d10 - brutal 1, versatile, heavy thrown

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Marks of the Enclave

Just incase someone forgets or if we need to redo or get someone their's

  • Mark of the Fang Dragon = +1 Fort, +5 intimidate, Minor Daily: Next hit successful hit prones target
  • Mark of the Yaun-ti = +1 Reflex, +5 acrobatics, and immediate saves against prone
  • Mark of the Tarrasque = +1 Fort, +5 intimidate, When you drop to 0 hp, you burrow into the ground. At the beginning of your next turn you return at the same spot at bloodied value hp. Can only happen once an encounter.
  • Mark of the Kenku = +1 Reflex, +5 stealth, fly 3 after you move 2.
  • Mark of the Drow = +1 Fort, +5 perception, Minor Daily Action: Become invisible. Anything other than movement action breaks the effect.
  • Mark of the Beholder = +1 Will, +5 arcane, Minor At Will : Choose a damage type. Your attacks against the target do that damage instead of their normal damage.
  • Mark of the Druegar = +1 Fort, +5 Endurance, Minor Daily: immediately save from any poison or fire effects.
  • Mark of the Cockatrice = +1 Will, +5 endurance, When you crit a target, the target makes an immediate save. If they fail, the target is slowed. They save again at the end of their turn, if they fail, they are petrified.
  • Mark of the Vampire = +1 Will, +5 acrobatics, Regen 4 unless in the natural sunlight.
  • Mark of the Kobold = +1 Reflex, +5 acrobatics, Move Action Encounter : Shift 3
  • Mark of the Ogre = +1 Fort, +5 Intimidate, Spend an action point to gain threatening reach 2
  • Mark of the Kuo-tao = +1 Reflex, +5 acrobatics, Move Action Daily: Jump your movement speed, does not provoke opportunity attacks. Treat this move like a charge.
  • Mark of the Satyr = +1 Will, +5 Arcane, Minor Action Daily: You are unaffected by difficult terrain.
  • Mark of the Aboleth = +1 Will, +5 stealth, you can breath underwater.
  • Mark of the Hydra = +1 Will, +5 perception, Spend 2 healing surges to make a basically melee attack as a free action. Only use on your turn. Can use as many times as you want on your turn.
  • Mark of the Gelatinous Cube = Your attacks cause you to apply 2 poison, save ends.
  • Mark of the Troll = +1 Fort, +5 endurance, Regen 2
  • Mark of the Fire Giant = +1 Fort, +5 endurance, All your attacks do 1d4 fire additional damage.
  • Mark of the Basilisk = +1 Will, +5 Athletics, you speed is +1 and you gain climb the same speed.
  • Mark of the Winter Wolf = +1 Reflex, +5 perception, Gain +15 cold resist.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God-O-Meter, or how I try to appease my deity

Starting next week we'll start a experimental system called the God-O-Meter, in which certain actions will negatively or positively affect your personal relationship with your deity. This system is not meant to penalize anyone who is 'on the fence' or doesn't simply want to go into the RP of things, but meant to reward those who wish to go the extra mile. The system is NOT meant to penalize any member for not participating or having a negative reputation with their deity, but simply made to help.

Now, how this system will work:
First, anyone who actively wants to participate in the system needs to actively tell me so that I add you to the system and learn a little about what your god is and what they look for. You can look here at the bottom for a complete list of major gods. For lesser gods, or demigods (ie Llam) certain expectations will be layed down by me before hand (ie for Llam the upcoming Llam article). Once there, you are pretty much set to go. Be sure YOU know what your god expects, as you do not want to end up getting negative rep for not knowing.

The god's reputations are based on a scale of -100 to 100, -100 to 0 being disliked, 1 to 100 being liked. The further to either extreme means a higher state of liked or disliked. Points will be given out in the following format:

+/- 2 points - minor achievement or action that would be in or out of favor with your god. ie Praying at a shrine for your god, giving to the shrine, cleaning the shrine, saying a small prayer.

+/- 5 points - standard achievement or action that is in line or out of line with your god's main ideals. Examples would be a Tempus engaging in an honorable fight with a foe that has wronged your family, earning Tempus's favor, or using dirty tricks to fight a worthy opponent, which would not earn Tempus's favor.

+/- 10 points - glorious actions that do or do not fall in line with your god's main ideas. These will be rare but would be for great accomplishments. Things like earning Sune's favor by destroying a Shar Temple, or someone worshipping Sune maiming the physical appearance of a fellow Sune worshiper.

All of these points will be generally rewarded based on what I view as an act for that god or goddess, however you are always welcome to 'make the case' for a particular action. I can not say before the action what it will do, but once the action is complete I shall tell you what you have received. Past experiences will never apply. If the points are not given at the time, then they can not be added later.

So, all the points have been defined, what can you do with this? Well at any point in time you can say a prayer of help to your god for a free action at the cost of 5 points. Gods dont like being bothered constantly, thus the loss of points. From here you can ask your god or goddess for whatever you see fit. For example, you could ask for help in a choice, or a temporary boon to aid you in a battle, or even a path to find something you seek. Based on what your reputation is, you'll get an appropriate answer. The higher the rep, the greater chance they will answer your plea. What type of help is given is also affected by your rep. For instance, if you ask for a boon, with 100, you might become a mighty warrior for a brief time. With a reputation of 50, you might get a small buff. For 10, you might get nothing. Reputations below 0 will rarely be answered.

Gods and goddesses will rarely directly speak to you, but usually they shall let you know in some way that they hear your plea. Silence, or no sign, will usually mean a no. If the gods accept your plea, you will be charged an amount based on the help they will give you. That way, someone who is maked out on reputation does not simple keep getting great gifts. It shall be a constant work in progress for the character.

This system is experimental, so expect some shifting of things to make it work. As always please let me know your concerns or feedback. Thanks!

Also one last thing, if you wish to participate, please post a comment to this post with your god. I'll consider those who comment here to be apart of the system.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kurvagal's Rest

Teaser For Arc:
Kurvagal's Rest, a shinning oasis guarded by the remains of the ancient sand dragon Kurvagal. Once just a stop for travelers, Kurvagal's Rest has become a sign of resistance against the growing darkness that creeps from the Shadow Enclave. Despite it's many attempts however, Kurvagal's Rest has withstood the legions of the Shadow Enclave, resilient to the destruction and death.

Our heroes, now adorned as members of the Shadow Enclave, face themselves with an impossible task. To gain gain access to Eclipse, our heroes must do the Enclave's bidding, even if that means wiping Kurvagal's Rest off the map...

Kurvagal's Rest:
Population: 8,000

Kurvagal's Rest was founded when the ancient sand dragon Kurvagal finally died, laying himself against the side of a mountain. As his body began to decay away, his magic was slowly released, creating a fierce sand storm around his body.

As the spellplague began to spread through Faerun, many human refugees began to traverse across the growing Netheril desert, looking for any place for shelter. A group came across the behemoths corpse, noticing the great sand storm around the body was strangely absent underneath. With an idea, the settlers began to draw up walls around the body, constructing a mini-fortress against the sheer smooth mountains.

At first, the city was small and contained, utilizing the corpse of the dragon to construct items for trade amongst other outlying outposts. However, gold was found within the mountains that Kurvagal's Rest butted up against, and the city quickly flurished as gold began to be exported to large civilizations.

When the Shade Enclave returned to Faerun, outposts across the desert began to vanish as dark marauders wiped them out. Those who lived from the attacks began to float from one outpost to another, looking for a place to stay. Little safety was found, until word came out of the massive fortifications Kurvagal's Rest had. Refugees by the thousands began to flock, seeking shelter. And like a wolf tracking an injured sheep, the Shadow Enclave followed as well.

The Enclave began an all out assault on Kurvagal's Rest, however the cities natural defenses, and the sand storm produced by the dragon's remains, helped greatly in keeping the city safe. As time went along, the cities defenses grew and became more elaborate, stopping the Enclave at every point. The city now is under constantly siege, unable to export their goods like once before. Few traders will make the trip to or from the Rest, and the city is slowly withering to death. Those who do show up to the Rest are meet with skepticism and disbelief, the Rest's guards all too paranoid about new Enclave tactics.

Maps for Kurvagal's Rest.
(best to download and open in windows paint)

Reputation Rewards - Shadow Enclave

Latest Reputation rewards from the Shadow Enclave found here.

The Abyss
The Abyss is a building in the Shadow Enclave that contains many different organizations for members of the Enclave to join. They cater to all walks of life and interests, but above all they wish to gain new members to meet their own ends.

Joining is simple, most of the organizations will take people at face value. However from there the organizations usually require accomplishments and deeds done to advance further.

There are many things that can come from these organizations, but it should be warned that when you travel too far down the dark path, it's often very hard to turn away...
Blood Witch
Organization: Blood Letters
Leader: Lirvanus the Blood Queen
Motto: Blood is life…and death.
Path: Cleric
The Blood Letters were once a scattered cult that hides themselves in the shadows of large cities, practicing their dangerous magic on anything and everything they could get their hands on. With the return of the Shadow Enclave to Faerun, the Crypt Dwellers slowly began to migrate towards it, viewing it as a place were they could live without the fear of being caught and punished.

For some time the Blood Letters lived in the Shadow Enclave, but without order or organization. It wasn’t until Lirvanus emerged, a talented human mage, did the cult gain respect and fear. Lirvanus anointed herself Blood Queen of the cult and culled out any opposition to her or her ruling with vigor, causing those who remained to fear her power, and thus she gaining their loyalty. While many Blood Letters are eager to gain more power and strength, many do it in fear that Lirvanus might view them as a threat, and end their life as she has done with so many others.

It is rumored she constructed the Butchery where captured slaves of Shadow Enclave are sold for sport killing. Such a thing is not directly provable, but many have noted the distinct lack of bodies ever leaving the Butchery. Many believe they are being used for a much darker purpose.

Blood Witches are considered the bottom tier of the Blood Letters, and very few have actual blood magic powers. They are taught several spells to temporarily augment the powers of others.

Blood Sight – Level 14
The Blood Sight is a blind fold, covering the eyes. With your eyes covered, you see the world in an unnatural light…
Item Slot: Head
Property: Wearing the sight gives you blindsight. You have a +2 to attack rolls (stacks with all other pluses) against any target that is bloodied.
Cost – 35,000 g

Witch Robes – Level 14
Armor: Cloth
Enhancement: +9 AC
Property: If you hit with any attack that does damage, target ally gains 5 temp hp.
Cost: 35,000 g

Vampire Claws – Level 14
The long gloves appear to be of some unknown leather, the tips razor sharp. The constantly stink of decay.
Item Slot: Arms
Property: Any time you hit with a basic melee attack, you gain 1 healing surge.
Cost: 35,000 g

Crypt Walkers – Level 14
These boots know their way around the damned…
Item Slot: Feet
Property (Daily): Immediate Reaction. When a bloodied enemy attacks you, shift 3.
Cost: 35,000 g

Bloody Staff – Level 14
Droplets of blood appear from different points on the staff…
Item Slot: Off-Hand, Holy Symbol
Enhancement: +3 to attack rolls and damage rolls.
Critical: You regain 3d6 healing surges; you can not gain over your maximum.
Property: This staff can be used as a holy symbol. If you hit with the staff against a target enemy, they considered bloodied till the start of your next turn.
Cost: 35,000 g

Blood Book - Level 14
A dark red book with a glowing red rune on its cover hangs on a chain. This book can be used to augment your blood magic.
Item Slot: Belt
Property (At-Will: Minor Action): Use two healing surge to give target player a +2 to attack and +d12 damage to their next attack.
Cost: 35,000 g

Item Bonuses:
2: Bloodied enemies take a -2 to attack you.
4: You do not provoke OAs from bloodied enemies
5: Bloody allies area 2 around you gain 5 resist all. They lose the resist when they are not bloodied anymore.
6: As an encounter power, immediate reaction to any ally casting a spell. You can spend 3 healing surges to augment their spell. Choose one of the following augmentations: 5 on going necrotic damage save ends, target goes prone, target is slowed, or +d8 damage.

Blood Transference –
You siphon your enemy’s blood from any where…
If an augmented attack kills an enemy, you gain the same augmentation to your next attack.
Cost: 55,000

Elvish Blood Letting –
Elf blood is treasured more than others…
As a daily power, spend 2 healing surges as a free action to regain use of your elven accuracy.
Cost: 55,000

Blood Gain –
You use the blood of a fallen enemy to restore your own.
As a daily power, immediately reaction, when your attack, or attack you have augmented with your blood magic, kills an enemy, regain all of your healing surges.
Cost: 55,000

Shadow Adept
Organization: Consuming Shadow
Leader: Gurva the Shade
Motto: The shadows eventually take us all…
Path: Sorcerer
The Consuming Shadow has been around as long as Shar has been a goddess. These devote followers tap into the Shadow Weave, the very energy that originates from Shar herself. The Consuming Shadow is probably one of the most well known Shar cults in Faerun.

The cultists believe that the Shadow Weave was given to them by Shar and they should learn to learn to use and consume as much as of it as possible, because the Shadow Weave was a personal gift given to them by Shar. The cultists do not hold the rest of the Shadow Enclave in the same light as they do each other. They view most of the people as ‘fakers’ who don’t truly believe in Shar and are only there for their own gain. Only through the Consuming Shadow does one really show their dedication to Shar.

Gurva the Shade currently leads the Consuming Shade, a ghost like being whose only care is to serve Shar the best he can. Those in the Consuming Shadow who he views does not serve Shar the best they can, he consumes their essence adding it to his own.

Shadow Adepts are not taught the full and dark magic that can be used with the Shadow Weave, but they are taught how to use the Shadow Weave to shield and protect your allies.

Shadow Hood – Level 14
The Shadow Hood covers your entire face, developing your face into shadows. You begin to see into the shadows, as if they weren’t there.
Item Slot: Head
Property: Wearing the hood gives you tremor sense 15. You do not take a -2 to attack while attacking an enemy with concealment.
Cost – 35,000 g

Adept Robes – Level 14
The shadows cover these robes, leaping out to protect you.
Armor: Leather
Enhancement: +3 AC
Property: Any enemy that attacks you that has concealment takes d8 damage.
Cost: 35,000 g

Shadow Toucher – Level 14
It does not actually appear to be a glove made of fabric, it appears to be made of shadows.
Item Slot: Hands
Property: (Encounter: Minor) Must be able to touch the target. Target now has total concealment from everyone else till end of its next turn. The target can not see anything and can not move.
Cost: 35,000 g

Shadow Weave Walkers – Level 14
These boots seem to be slightly out of phase…
Item Slot: Feet
Property (Daily): Move Action: Teleport up to your move speed. At the end of your turn, you teleport back to your original square before the teleport. If that space is occupied, you teleport to the nearest available square.
Cost: 35,000 g

Shadow Displacer – Level 14
Shadows seem to be drawn to this dagger.
Weapon: Dagger
Item Slot: Enhancement: +3 to attack rolls and damage rolls.
Critical: +3d6
Property: (Daily: Standard Action): You and all your allies have total concealment till the beginning of your next turn.
Property: This dagger may be used as an implement.
Cost: 35,000 g

Shadow Orb - Level 14
Inside sits a swirling cloud of darkness…but something seems to stare back at you.
Item Slot: Off-hand
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus, or +1d12 per plus against enmies that are invisible or that have concealment or total concealment from you.
Property (Encounter: Immediate Reaction): Trigger: When an enemy is knocked prone. Effect: Shadows latch on to them, blinding the target, restraining, and weakened. Save ends all. At the beginning of each turn, the target takes 2d12 necrotic damage.
Cost: 35,000 g

Item Bonuses:
2: +5 to stealth
4: All your attacks are also necrotic damage.
5: You always have concealment against your enemies.
6: You always have superior concealment from enemies outside of burst 5.

Shadow Weave Teleport –
The weave takes everything…
When you use your Shadow Toucher power, instead of the target having total concealment, it is teleported to the Shadow Weave, a featureless, empty plane. The target takes 1d12 every turn. Save end returns them back to their original spot. If that spot is occupied, they teleport to the nearest available spot.
Cost: 55,000

Dragonborne Shadow Flame –
Even dragon liches have a breath…
Your dragon breath attack is also necrotic and applies ongoing 5 necrotic and you have total concealment against them, save ends.
Cost: 55,000

Protective Shadows –
The shadow consumes your own, but only temporarily.
As a daily power, immediately reaction, when an ally falls unconscious, they have total concealment till they are not unconscious. They regen 5 at the beginning of their turn till they are not unconscious.
Cost: 55,000

Soul Taker
Organization: Last Sound
Leader: Ivansha the Doom Soul
Motto: You shall make me strong long after you have died.
Path: Warlock
The Last Sound is a relatively new sect within the Shadow Enclave, gaining members and notoriety within the last 5 years. Even though they may be relatively new, and their magics untested, they wield a terribly fierce and effective tool set.

The Last Sound started when their leader, a drow by the name of Ivansha, made a pact with one of Shar’s top demon advisors, Yurv the Soul Collector. With this pact, Yurv transferred onto Ivansha the knowledge that is required to reap and harvest the souls of the living. After many years of training and honing her skills, Yurv found herself dissatisfied with the power she has gained, and decided to find a way of gaining more.

In an act of betrayal, Ivansha killed Yurv the Soul Collector and extracted his soul, implanting it within herself to gain his knowledge and power. The new being that was created, Ivasha the Doom Soul, became wildly more powerful than her previous form. She used this power and knowledge to begin teaching other students on how to harness such powers.

Soul Takers are the most basic members of the Last Sound, knowing how to deem basic knowledge from the souls they take. They are still unable to fully tap into the powers that a soul can provide.

Soul Crown – Level 14
The soul crown contains many peaks with elaborate looking jewels. The jewels seem to contain a moving cloud in each one of them, each containing a soul. A thousand souls to give a million years of knowledge.
Item Slot: Head
Property: You gain a +5 to any monster check you do. If the check is above 40, you are able to tell your allies the weakness of the monster, giving everyone a +2 to attack to that monster type till the end of the fight.
Cost – 35,000 g

Soul Robes – Level 14
The robes are sewn together with thread made from souls. They seem to whisper to you advice.
Armor: Leather
Enhancement: +3 AC
Property: When any enemy attacks you, roll a d20. If it’s 11 or above, you gain a +2 to all defenses against that attack.
Cost: 35,000 g

Soul Grabbers – Level 14
The gloves are covered with interesting sigils, allowing the ability to lock on to a soul.
Item Slot: Hands
Property: Soul Touch (At-Will: Minor): Make a grapple attack using your Cha instead of Str. Enemies must save ends to end the soul touch. Other grapple rules remain the same.
Property: Soul Impart (At-Will: Minor): Only use when you have an enemy Soul Touched. You are imparted with part of the enemies soul. You may only be imparted with one soul at a time. Target enemy takes a -2 penalty to all attacks while you are imparted with its soul. Using this ability ends the grapple. You can not impart Solo or Elite monsters.
Cost: 35,000 g

Soul Whisper Boots – Level 14
These boots allow you to use information gleamed about a soul’s ability to travel.
Item Slot: Feet
Property (Daily): Minor: You use your imparted soul to learn one of the movements’ keywords the soul has. You get, along with your normal movement, that movement keyword up to your movement speed as well. (i.e. if the soul has Flying 10, and you have movement 6, you could get flying 6).
Cost: 35,000 g

Shadow Gem – Level 14
The gem allows the Soul Taker to store a soul for another time.
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: +3 Fortitude, Reflex and Will
Critical: +3d6
Property: (At-Will: Encounter) Stores an imparted soul in the gem. Only one soul can be stored at a time.
Property: (Minor: Daily): Your imparted soul is the soul contained in the gem. The soul in the gem is then used.
Cost: 35,000 g

Soul Orb - Level 14
Inside sits a swirling cloud of darkness…but something seems to stare back at you.
Item Slot: Off-hand
Critical: +1d4 for every soul you have transferred to the orb
Property: (At-Will: Minor): Adds a soul you are imparted with to the Soul Orb. The Orb is purged after a short rest. This ends your Soul Impart.
Property (At-Will: Standard): You may use your imparted soul to gain knowledge of one of the soul’s abilities. You make the attack, if applicable, with the same numbers as the monster does. This does not end your Soul Impart and your soul remains intact.
Cost: 35,000 g

Item Bonuses:
2: +2 to arcane, nature and dungeonering.
4: Creatures you have grappled take a -3 penalty to ending it.
5: Critical dice for soul orb are now 1d6 instead of 1d4.
6: You may use your Soul Impart ability on elite creatures, but can not use any power marked as encounter.

Soul Tear –
You Soul Grab ability tears at the creature’s soul
Using the Soul Impart ability, the creature you Soul Touched makes a save. If they fail, they are weakened save ends.
Cost: 55,000

Raven Queen’s Soul Redeem –
Before you meet the great lady, I have questions for you…
As a daily power, you can redeem any soul from any dead creature, not ally. You can then ask the soul any question, it will answer truthfully. You can also imprint the soul. Soul lasts for 15 minutes. It can not leave it’s body.
Cost: 55,000

Protective Soul –
It may not want to, but you have its soul, and it will do your bidding…
If you are Soul Touched with an enemy and any other enemy attacks you, as an immediate interrupt, you can slide the Soul Touched enemy up to 2 and must end its slide adjacent to you. If able to, the Soul Touched enemy makes an OA attack against the creature attacking you. Soul Touched creature also provides you cover against ranged attacks.
Cost: 55,000

Magic Eater
Organization: Purge
Leader: Enigma the Destroyed
Motto: Magic is not meant to help, it is meant for us to grow..
Path: Sword Mage
The Shadow Enclave returned to the world of Faerun shortly after the ravages of the Spellplague had destroyed almost all of Faerun. The mages and scholars of the Shadow Enclave were fascinated by the purely destructive nature of the Spellplague and sought to capture some of it to study. After many many attempts to contain the Spellplague, they were able to capture a small amount in a gem, known to the Purge as the Spark.

The group of mages and scholars eventually came together to form the group now known as the Purge, uniting together to use their Spark to Purge Faerun completely. The mages began to study the spellplague, mastering it's destructive nature, and finding unique ways to harness and control the spellscar.

A young mage by the of Urvgral was an up in coming Purge member, his thurst for knowledge about the spellplague was unmatched. An unfortunate accident during an experiment caused the spellplague to be released from the Spark, killing everyone in the room and destroying his form entirely. His knowledge of the plague however saved him his life, and he able to exist a being of pure energy. Deciding that with his body gone, he would need a new name, he named himself Enigma the Destroyed.

Young Purge members do not quite fully control their spellscarred items and the spellplague, and use the items imbued with the spellplague to augment and hinder their opponents.

Spell Mask – Level 14
The mask seems to have several different metallic rings in it, with odd magical devices whirling inside.
Item Slot: Head
Property: (Daily: Immediate Interupt): If you are the target of magical ranged attack, gain resist 10 to that attack. If the enemy casting a spell is spellscarred, all allies within 10 gain resist 10 to that attack.
Cost – 35,000 g

Spellscarred Armor – Level 14
Blue lightning seems to course over the material
Armor: Leather
Enhancement: +3 AC
Property: Allies within 1 of you gain 5 resist all to magical attacks
Cost: 35,000 g

Spell Stoppers – Level 14
The gloves seems to emit a dead zone around them, preventing magic.
Item Slot: Hands
Property: (Encounter : free action) : When you successfully hit a spellscarred creature, that creature can not cast any ranged magical attacks (save ends).
Cost: 35,000 g

Spell Riders – Level 14
These boots seem to be attracted to magical sources.
Item Slot: Feet
Property (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt: When an enemy casts a magical spell at anyone within 10, you can teleport to an adjacent square to that enemy and make a melee basic attack as an OA.
Cost: 35,000 g

Spellplague Necklace - Level 14
This gem appears to be a replica of the Spark.
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: +3 Fortitude, Reflex and Will
Property: Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: When you or an ally is targeted by an enemy spell. You activate the spellplague contained within the necklace, disrupting the magic your enemy is casting. The spell your enemy is casting targets your enemy now, instead of you or your ally. Your foe is also spellscarred for 3 hours.
Cost: 35,000 g

Spellscar - Level 14
The spell scar is a green jagged line that seems to pulse slightly.
Item Slot: Tattoo
Property: You are able to sense any other spellscarred object or person within 30. Enemies who have a spellscar can not get combat advantage against you. . As a daily minor, you can spellscar another object or person for 3 hours.
Cost: 35,000 g

Item Bonuses:
2: You have combat advantage against any creature with a spellscar.
4: Creatures with a spellscar take a -2 penalty to cast magical attacks.
5: As a daily power, immediate interrupt, you cause any spellscarred creature casting a spell to be slowed and weakened save ends.
6: As a daily power, if you are the target of any ranged magical attack, copy that attack with the same +attack on any enemy as an immediate reaction. Follow rules set by the originating spell.

Tracking Spellscar –
The spellscar you impart on your foe reveals useful information about your opponents motives…
If a spellscarred enemy adjacent to you shifts away, shift as a free action with the enemy so that you end adjacent to it.
Cost: 55,000

Githyanki Spell Stutter –
Githyanki are masters in turning a spell against the spellcaster.
As a daily power, immediate interrupt when being attacked by a ranged magical attack. Instead of targeting you, the spell targets the spell caster.
Cost: 55,000

Spell Pack Hunters –
You tell your allies what to look for in a spellscar…and how to exploit it.
Your allies have combat advantage against any creature with a spellscar.
Cost: 55,000

Shadow Marauders
Organization: Black Death
Leader: Polk the Unhand
Motto: Only the strong live through combat.
Path: Barbarian
The Black Death has been a powerful and influential organization through the entire history of the Shadow Enclave, its fearsome warriors leading wars and defending much of the Shadow Enclave through its history. Its members are heavily feared throughout the Shadow Enclave, as many of them are so blood thirsty they would slay anyone that speaks to them.

The Black Death has no leader structure or system in appointing one. The only way to become the leader is to kill the previous leader. Most of those who do take leadership only do so momentarily before they are cut down by another member.

The current assignments of the Black Death are to lead terror squads against different civilization through the deserts, killing and taking anything they want. It is through their efforts that the Butchery gets their slaves for sale.

Shadow Marauders are the lowest rank of the Black Death, its members learning to harness the extreme rage and destructive power that comes with an unstoppable war machine.

Marauder’s Helm – Level 14
The helm is adorned with many demon horns, gore and blood.
Item Slot: Head
Property: (Daily: Free Action): If you charged an enemy, and the attack failed, select another target within your charge speed and charge that target.
Cost – 35,000 g

Juggernaut’s Armor – Level 14
The armor gets tougher the more battles it sees.
Armor: Hide
Enhancement: +3 AC
Property: For each creature you personally deliver the killing blow to, you gain +1 to all defenses till end of encounter.
Cost: 35,000 g

Marauder’s Grips – Level 14
The gloves have hooks for hanging trophies from previous battles.
Item Slot: Hands
Property: Every time you personally deliver a killing, if a Blood Marked creature is with melee basic attack distance, make an attack against that creature as a free action.
Cost: 35,000 g

Marauder’s Sabatons – Level 14
These boots are adorned with dragon claws.
Item Slot: Feet
Property (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt: When an enemy you have blood marked tries to move from their position, you are able to charge with a +5 to speed that target.
Cost: 35,000 g

Jik’thanal- Level 14
This great axe pulses with an unworldly presence. You hear its dark whispers as you grip the handle.
Weapon: Executioners Axe
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage rolls.
Critical: How ever many blood marks are currently active x +1d12.
Property: When you successfully make an attack with this weapon, the target is Blood Marked. Blood marks last till the creature dies or a short rest.
Cost: 35,000 g

Marauder’s Belt - Level 14
The belt has many hooks to hang a whole arsenal of weapons.
Item Slot: Waist
Property: You can switch weapons and store them as a free action.
Cost: 35,000 g

Item Bonuses:
2: You have combat advantage against any blood marked creature
4: If a blood mark target makes an OA against you, you can make a melee basic attack back at it as a free action.
5: If you currently have 6 blood marks currently active, you can enter into the Shadow Marauder’s Rage. For each attack you ever make, till end of encounter, you may repeat.
6: Blood marks only fade after a short rest, not through death.

Pack Mark –
A Marauder by himself is a menace, Marauders in a pack is death.
If one of your attacks Blood Marks a creature, as an immediate reaction, any ally that can melee basic attack the creature can do so.
Cost: 55,000

Half Orc Blood Mark –
Orcs know a thing or two about blood marks.
As a daily power, minor action, you can mark any creature within 5 with a blood mark.
Cost: 55,000

Blood Pack Transference -
You worry not about getting the last kill, only the future hunt that will start when your enemy is dead.
As an encounter power, immediate reaction, when an ally kills a blood mark target you can mark any creature within 5.
Cost: 55,000

General Information

General Information can be found here about the Midnight Eclipse Campaign -

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